Thursday, September 18, 2014

What to Wear

Clothes...clothes...clothes. I am beyond the point of stuffing myself into my skinny jeans or size small shirts. It's a sad reality. I am 24 1/2 weeks and hate I mean HATE getting dressed.
My closet is full of such cute items that I cannot get my growing belly into. It's frustrating, sad and a blessing. A blessing for the reason, my babe is growing daily and is healthy. He is just complicating his mothers style and I'm not for going out and buying all new clothes that I will wear only couple of times. However, I do believe I need some more accessories. Necklaces, belts, shoes, scarves, etc....

Todays look for work. It's OK. The belt helps to add some sparkle and contrast. Yes, I know it's a bathroom selfie but its the best I could do for the time being. 



Thursday, September 4, 2014

I have neglected you.

Hello there. I have neglected you. Not on purpose, ok maybe a little. I've been distracted, majorly distracted. It's been a whole month since I last wrote anything! Which in my mind seemed like only a couple of weeks. [yikes]  My list of "distractions" you might ask. 

My growing belly
Finding out we are having a BOY!!
Figuring out boy names (still haven’t decided)
Registering for the babe
Nephew Baptism
Looking at new places to live till Julio is done with school
Slowly packing

Fantasy football (3 different leagues)

Let's focus on now and this super cute, adorable baby shower invitation my step-mom made for me.
Amy and I love to make DIY cards, invitations, etc. We did my wedding invitations back in the day [5 years ago], 50th birthday invitations for my dad, name cards, and baby organizers. You name it we can make it. Unless it's something we've never heard of, then your out of lucky buddy. We should start our own business, call it AJ Designs or something much cuter, quit our day jobs, focus on the ridiculously adorable cards and invitations that we make and call it a day. If only it were that easy.
I squealed when it came. Couldn't help myself. I mean really?? Just look at that onesie and diaper.

p.s. let's talk about how unprepared I feel. There's a little monster growing inside of me and we don't know where we are going to live until Julio's done with school. Furthermore, we don't know where we will be after he graduates. Can he find a job? Where will it be? Will I have to find another job? Daycare? Everything around me is unstable. In a perfect world [my mind] the only thing that should be unstable is being pregnant not places to live and work. ahhhhhh!! Stressed much?  


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Baby Progress

BaBy Progress!!!!

I am a little over 18 weeks and have the combination of a small baby bump and chubbiness. This is definitely the awkward stage where I know I am pregnant, but if a stranger looks at me they see a slightly chubby around-the-waist look. I would show a picture, but no one needs to see it. 

In exciting new, we have two weeks left until Julio and I find out if our babe is a boy or a girl. I'm getting very excited and would love to have a boy. I have lost both my Grandpas and father-in-law, and it would be nice to have a male figure around.  Nonetheless, whatever the gender, we will love him or her just the same. 
Side note: We have a name picked out for a girl and only a middle name for a boy; we still have time.

Saturday, my mother and I went to Burlington Coat Factory (baby area), Macy's and BabiesRUs; just to get ideas. This was very helpful. I can look online as much as I want, but it's not the same as touching, feeling, and seeing all the options right in front of my eyes. Many items were examined and  these two beauties were found; the crib and stroller. However, the bottom picture is a crib from Target that I really like as well.  The common theme is gray. 

Ughh!! Baby stuff is expensive, and thank goodness I am just looking and not buying. I am going to need to save and save and save some more. 

P.S. Julio will start his final year for his Masters degree! YaY! He still wants to do a Phd, but we will see with the babe :)


Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Sometimes I feel this pregnancy is kicking my butt.  Overall, I've had a very smooth pregnancy, no nausea, no queasiness and no vomiting.  The only two things my body wants to do are sleep (like all the time) and pee. When I say pee, I'm talking 1st trimester every 45 minutes and now its every 2 hours or so.  Ughh!!  Really!! I can only pee so many times, it's a bit ridiculous.

On a good note, I am starting to plan for the nursery!!! I've made my list. Now it's time to research pinterest for countless hours. So, far I have the color scheme.  Navy Blue and Green.  Look below isn't it beautiful. it's modern, it's neutral to gender, and trendy. I'm absolutely in love.

Isn't it perfect, I obviously have a bias. Then I can add boy or girl accents to the room. Check that off the list, now for 762,345 more items to research. (that's a pure exaggeration, it's more like 10 items)  My mom started looking at baby stuff about 2 months ago, this will make her proud. This is actually the first time I've really looked at anything. I just haven't been all that into looking at breast pumps and burp cloths. My first purchase were diapers, which, yes was to stock up and to make the Facebook announcement. You may check it out below.  p.s. my phone is about to die. yikes!
Look at all that love. The babe and I thank you all for the kind, sweet, and thoughtful comments.  Who knew growing a human would be so rewarding??  Just kidding.



Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Beginning!!

Why am I blogging? I tried this once before and failed miserably. Hopefully, this time will be different. My main purpose is to try and become a better version of myself. I tend to be shy, closed off, stuck up at times, worried what people think of me and not accepting to change. I am an only child, and those seem to be the personally traits everyone tells me.
So--lets break them :)

I need an outlet, these past 8 months to a year have been rough. Lets be honest, it's been crap besides some happy moments. Here's a quick overview (more will come later).

-Julio started grad school at Purdue. (ugh..not my first choice. It's in the middle of corn fields.) Irvine, Ca was calling my name, a few days were spent debating, tears shed and sunny Cali was a distant memory.

-Job searching---Now it was my time to try and find a job near Purdue, while Julio was already hard at work. It took me almost 6 MONTHS to find a good paying job. WTH!! It was exhausting and defeating.

-The Move---do I really need to explain? Moving just sucks. plain and simple. 

-My new Job---I could tell from the first week this wasn't where I should be. What I got hired to do, was nothing close to what my job actually was. It did pay well but was not the type of environment I should be working in. 

-Julio's dad---The saddest, hardest part of this whole time. I'm not really sure how we all got through it. The worst two weeks of my life.  I do not wish that upon anyone.  I just wish he was here. 

-Bun in the oven---We are pregnant!!! My job is borderline harassing me because of it. yay!! 

- Starting a new Job---Well it's just stressful and in Publishing/Distribution. Nothing medical here, lol

-Missing Home---I miss Elkhart, Goshen, Bristol and Middlebury like crazy. I wish I was up there now. I miss my old work, our friends, our family, my house, the comfort of knowing people and knowing where everything is at. Who would have guessed? The girl who wanted to be away from Bristol is now overwhelming wanting to be back. Which i'm putting some responsibility on the pregnancy. I am pretty emotional now. 

So, in my eyes Lebanon and Indy haven't been very welcoming to Julio and I since this transition and now I'm counting down the days until we are back up there. And he has another year to go :(  This is why I need an outlet to make me count my blessings, to get me through the hard days whether it be pregnancy or with Julio's dad. There has to be some countability. Right??
